Sunday, May 19, 2013

Switching Gears

It's been awhile since my last post, and due to new directions my life is taking I have started a new blog which you can find under my profile or by following this link:

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

yup yup yup uh-huh!

if you could measure the joy and happiness i am experiencing right now for being finished with my 20 page law paper, just a "pinch", "skosh", "smidgen" doesn't even begin to describe the relief and weight lifted off my shoulders. but at the same time using cups, oz, liters, lbs doesn't make sense as measurement terms.

i just feel like dancing foolishly, fist pumpin with the white man over bite. :D

tomorrow is the last day of regular class. friday the paper is due. monday is nasx final: exam 3. wed: listen to presentations and give a presentation. EL FIN!!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Dead Week

Welcome to the last week of college classes known as dead week. It is here that you find most students in their favorite study positions writing up their last papers, studying for finals or other exams and sleeping. Today you find me on the floor of my living room, Christmas tree lit in all its splendor, a mug of hot tea and Storyhill's harmony quietly breaking the silence and occasional hum of the heater. Yes, I too am cramming. Trying to fill pages with interpretation of policy.

This week brings me ever closer to graduating!! Since all my assignments are completed apart from this one monster that I have been wrestling with all semester, I am focusing all my engery and tactics on finishing it today, to begin the editing/revising process tomorrow and the rest of the week until the due date: Friday.

The ground is finally covered with a familiar white blanket of snow, much too scarce for what is normal for December, but it will do.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

November 29, 2011

The wind is bustling a winter chill that seeps deep into the bones today. Great day to stay inside and write papers. Last night was a great accomplishment of 2 papers totaling 6 pages. But ALAS! the 20 page paper is still incomplete. In grade school, if turned in as such it would attain a big college, a fat red F luckily though, I still have a few more evenings to write and edit. I just need to escape the grasp that writer's block has on me.

3 days of class left.
2 days of finals! thankfully this is spread out over 2 weeks!

I have: 1 comprehensive report, 1 20 page paper, 1 exam, 2 presentations.

Random tidbits: I shaved my legs a day shave november girls can participate too! although after that experience I don't think I will ever again.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Luke 15:7 "I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent."

My Uncle asked for forgiveness today. After 10 years of surrounding him in prayer. God is due praise because only he can love us enough to give us his grace that forgives sins, washing us white as snow, rendering us children of God.

Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow;
Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, ye Heavenly Host;
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.

Sunday, November 27, 2011


Everything bad seems to come in 3s doesn't it, or is it just me? As of right now there are only two events in my life that consume my mind. The first is my best friend's mother-in-law who has just had her second surgery to stop a brain aneurysm, and actually had part of a blood vein removed. Luckily she isn't paralyzed like the doctors expected would be the result. She is also due for open heart surgery here soon. The second is my uncle. When I was in high school he had one of his legs amputated and we recently just heard that he is in the hospital needing the other leg removed as well. At 60 some years of age he will be bed bound for the rest of his life. My heart aches for them. My uncle doesn't know the Lord so it's that much scarier not knowing what is going to happen, but I press on, resting in the grace of God.

I'm still 8 pages away from being done with my paper. I guess I will use it as an escape today, to keep the thoughts in my mind and the pain in my heart at bay.

To my readers out there, where ever you are....plz pray.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Paper Challenge update

Last time I left having Total Pages: 20 Days to work: 5 Pages Completed: 4 Pages Left: 16. Thanksgiving was a complete failure on all fronts, in a comatose state of turkey noms I worked that evening in a very inactive hotel, mostly playing Angry Birds and texting random ppl. Friday came and past. I spent 2 hours standing in line at JoAnn's to purchase fabric for my brother's Christmas present. My love for babies and elderly women grew more as two beautiful older gals allowed me to put my 6 fabric bolts in their cart. Between them and the 7 month old babe and his momma in front of me I learned WAY more about nursing and breast milk than a 22 year old single woman should ever known...but at least I know what to expect 5 years from now right!? Last night ended with more work, however this time, I was greeted with 30 garbage cans that needed to be emptied, toilets scrubbed, towels washed and folded. I still managed to play a few rounds of Angry Birds and contemplate the next section of my paper. Today is Saturday, I spent most of the day surrounded in my research, laptop plugged in and the urge to compose a brilliant literary piece worthy of an A, however, little has been accomplished today. Angry Birds and texting my lil sis and dear friend/classmate. So where does this leave me? Shockingly....I have 8 pages to left to fill with knowledge! Maybe tomorrow I will find a quaint coffee shop or library type setting, where Christmas movies don't feed my procrastination and caffeine jolts my spirits and fingers to do everything a lot faster.

Okay folks,
I will get back to you soon. This weeks hold a lot of craziness so this weeks Challenge is to be in bed by 10:30pm every night and drink 1 nalgene bottle of water everyday.